Types of Swords

The types of swords the samurai wielded throughout their era were very diverse due to the continuous evolution of battlefield strategies and methods. Although the katana is very well known when referring to the samurai, the brave warriors utilized various razor-sharp weapons, with each blade having a different purpose and meaning. Beginning with the most iconic sword of the samurai era, the katana was the most common weapon of choice for a samurai. The weapon is known for its long blade and majestic handle order to “accommodate two hands and strike from a large distance. It has a curved, slender, single-edged blade”(Kokan).It became popular during the Edo period and was made from high-quality steel. The secondary weapon or sibling to the katana was the wakizashi, also known as the short sword. The wakizashi originated during the Edo period along with the katana but was shorter in comparison. The blade design was similar to the wakizashi, having a curved blade, double edge,boomerang-shaped cross-section, a wooden handle covered with leather or rope, and a guard to protect the hands(Kokan).

The shorter blade was, in fact, usually worn with a katana as a secondary weapon, or if utilized together or seen, it was referred to as a word called daishō, which translates to “large and small”. While those two were the most common and popular sword choices, the courageous warriors utilized and evolved continuously in the battle. Returning to the origin of sword weaponry in Japan, the idea of using sharpened metal blades stemmed from the chokuto. The chokuto is one of the earlier swords that existed in the Kofun period and was inspired by the Chinese swords of that period. It was considered the ancestor of modern Japanese swords. The chokuto consisted of a straight blade with a single edge, usually narrow, and a diamond-shaped cross-section. This weapon was made with imported metal and, although practical, had no guard, with the handle covered in leather or rope(Kokan).

The tachi was also a predecessor to the katana, a sword created with the intention of making fighting on horses easier. The tachi Japanese sword was used mainly on horseback during the Kamakura period (1185-1333). It has a longer blade averaging at least 75 cm due to attempting to reach soldiers charging on foot(Kokan).Many swords were the predecessor of the katana due to the innovation of weaponry and the need to be victorious constantly. The odachi sword is highly long, averaging 90.9 cm. This sword was used predominantly for spiritual purposes after being deemed an impractical weapon on the battlefield due to its extreme length and challenge of carrying. The cost of production was also inefficient as it consumed lots of materials and was extremely tedious to make one blade compared to other swords.Many swords, after their popularity waned, became more ceremonial pieces used in everlasting traditions in Japan. The kozuka is a knife handle usually attached to a small utility blade. The entire weapon is called the kogatana. The small blade is used only in extreme emergencies on the battlefield but typically to cut whatever the main blade was too big or too precious. The samurai possessed many values, with underlying values being that of a warrior and wanting to survive as the victor(Peter). In order to do so, one has to prepare for the worst-case scenario, which can explain why the samurai had numerous secondary weapons they could utilize in battle. The final sword, very popular for its functionality during a tough battle as a last attempt to emerge victorious, is the double-edged sword, also known as the Tsurugi, later known as ken. The ken is a dagger that is doubled edge forged using the same techniques as a Japanese sword but was used mainly in hand-to-hand combat as a last resort.The dagger was carried as a secondary precaution and used only in ceremonies(Kokan).


D, Peter. 2021. “Kozuka (小柄) | Mandarin Mansion.” Www.mandarinmansion.com. 2021. https://www.mandarinmansion.com/glossary/kozuka#:~:text=The%20kozuka%20(.

Kokan Nagayama. 2017. Connoisseurs Book of Japanese Swords. Kodansha America, Inc.

“The 8 Main Types of Japanese Swords.” 2024. Katana Sword. 2024. https://katana-sword.com/pages/the-8-main-types-of-japanese-swords.