Differential Vector Calculus

Mathematical thinking and reasoning can be used to express ideas symbolically, numerically, graphically, and practically.

By creating short real-time videos aimed at your classmates on a topic, learning target, or assigned problem, you will

  • Construct personal understanding of the concept and develop problem solving skills.
  • Gain authentic experience of discovery. The sensation of discovery and pride of mastering a concept makes the learning experience meaningful and profound.
  • Improve critical thinking, creative thinking, and practical thinking skills.
  • Articulate, communicate, and evaluate ideas to structure a more enduring understanding of the material and depth of content knowledge. 

Real-time communication includes real-time handwriting on a board, paper, or tablet, or real-time manipulations on a computer, and real-time audio or video of your face.


MTH-115-03 is taught by Dr. Joy Wang, Associate Professor of Mathematics.