Squanto teaches the Pilgrims how to plant Maize
- Date Range
- 1621 – 1621
- Title
- Squanto teaches the Pilgrims how to plant Maize
- What occurred
- The colonists immediately recognize the value of corn - it has a far higher yield than wheat, takes up less land, and grows extremely fast. Today, corn is found in 1/3 of the items in a typical supermarket.
- Location
- New England
- Image Citation
- https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/u2k2GIcPSD2yn-I-RUXRd3SM9kA=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/squanto-5b7c4833c9e77c005085e68b.png
- Student name(s)
- Aidan Briney
Squanto teaches the Pilgrims how to plant corn
Media: Squanto corn.png