Safeer Mughal - The Rainbow Bridge in the Qing Dynasty

The Rainbow Bridge in the Qing Dynasty

This essay will focus specifically on the rainbow bridge in the scroll in an attempt to further understand not only the activity around it, but also its presence and essence. The bright radiant colors allow us to better understand the function of the rainbow bridge as well. To better understand the bridge, it is easier to look at it in perspectives of different themes. The themes to look at are- The structure of the bridge, the activity on and around the bridge, local markets and trading shops, the season of the scene, and the mood of the scene. Looking carefully at the bridge, the whole bridge is elevated with layers of bricks placed to support the bridge. This would be the foundation of the bridge in specific, with fenced pathways that could allow people to walk around underneath the bridge either to gain access to boats or even for directing boats under the bridge. As seen in the painting, this fenced pathway serves as spots where boats can be tied to or pulled from by people. Perhaps, the fenced pathway could also function as a measure of safety to avoid any boats hitting the bridge. The bridge is layered with large bricks carefully shaped to an arc structure to provide its rainbow shape. Several bricks on the side are also layered to finish the structure on the sides of the bridge. This bridge not only serves as a path to cross the river, but also an opportunity to explore small stalls set up by people, which depicts that this bridge served as a market for people to trade or buy goods. There seems to be a lot of activity where people are showing up to different stalls of private businesses. The shape of the stalls and their positioning blends in with the structure of the bride itself, and looks more organized than just a regular hub for small businesses. The bridge also serves as a major route of transportation of goods as well as people. It does not look like small stalls are a part of the bridge, and look like they can be removed if need be. Towards the starting points of the bridge, it looks like there are more small private business owners who have set up small tents. These sellers however, look like they are not permanently settled in those spots. It looks more like these sellers travel from places to sell goods and move to other places. This is because the tents look like they can be easily removed and set up in other spots. 

Indeed, this seems to be a very busy part of the area, and seems like it is always busy. The bridge certainly serves an essential function and purpose for the people who look like they are very dependent on it. People look like they are all focused on working and getting things done with little to no time for pleasure or leisure. The energy this part of the scroll gives off is a group of people who are hardworking and stressed. The season seems to be spring or summer time, as the trees are mostly green. The clothing style of the people also indicates this as well. Most people are dressed lightly which seems to indicate that they want to stay cool during a warm or hot day. The scroll also gives the indication that it is sunny and perhaps midday as there seems to be no shadows of people.


Unraveling the Mystery of the Handscroll 'Qingming shange tu' Author(s): Tsao Hsingyuan Source: Journal of Song-Yuan Studies , 2003, No. 33 (2003), pp. 155-179 Published by: Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasty Studies